Regen Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA

This project will transform a long-vacant historic synagogue and school in Pittsburgh into a regenerative zero energy community.  The property will offer 45 much needed mixed-income apartments, 85% of which will be available for low-income residents.    The heart of the transformation will be the renovation of the historic rotunda into a community art center with rotating public art, recording studios, community gathering space, maker spaces, flex incubator space, and a regenerative building trades program.  An urban farm will grow around the buildings, offering fresh vegetables and fruit to residents and neighbors.

The buildings will be zero energy and Passive House, offsetting their low energy demand with solar PV.  They will be constructed with natural, carbon sequestering materials.  Permaculture landscaping will draw down carbon, and a managed forest will provide nature activities and wildlife habitat. In collaboration with established community groups, the site will likely include a greenhouse-based community farm irrigated by captured rain water and heated by a food waste-powered anaerobic digester.   The green building and site components are planned to be constructed with participation from well-established job training programs for at-risk youth and those with barriers to employment.

Beacon Communities

Biome Studio

Passive to Positive

Desmone Architects

Pashek + MTR

Staengl Engineering

Fahringer, McCarty, Grey

Mistick Construction

PHOTO CREDITS – Amy Fisher of Pawsburgh Photography , Heather Theresa Clark

PROPOSED – This long vacant historic synagogue and school will eventually be transformed into affordable housing, an urban farm, and community-activated space for art, culture, and job training.